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This page provides access to legal documents and references.

PETITION TO THE SENATE and  HOUSE OF COMMONS ofthe 23rd Parliamentary Canada Assembly Commitee on Justice and Human Rights.

Gilles submitted a petition to the Parliament on March 2022 signed by 27 signatories demanding justice for the victim.

Judge Marc L. Labrosse final judgement.

This is an original version.

An annodated version is availble on the TAB- JUDGEMENT stating our objections to his honour's findings and opinion influenced by the purported Power of Attorneys who were continually excercising criminal behaviors with impunity.

This is an annodated copy of Judge M. L. Labrosse Jan 30th, 2019 orders which exclusively favoured the purported 2011 POA agents. On this date, the judge asked Gilles only one question-"Are you mentally capable?". Gilles's answer was positive. This is perhaps the only time the judge has ever spoken directly to the victim until he declared him to be without capacity on Jan 25th, 2023. 

Rules governing what type of cases can be  maged under a pilot Court Case Management system. Most of the Gilles Overtveld cases heard related to the SDA'92 act were defintely exceptions and should have been heard outside the scope of a pilot CCM  under Rule 77 Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure. The cases held against he victime is a miscarriage of justice.

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